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MIPTV 8-11 April Cannes

The International Market for Content Development and Distribution

MIPTV is the one and only market that is dedicated to Content Development & Distribution for Drama Series (Original and Scripted Formats), Kids Content (Animation & Live Action), Documentaries and Formats (Scripted & Non Scripted).

MIPTV provides a unique platform for discovering new content and stories that will travel the world by focusing not only on early-stage development by connecting rising producers and talents with commissioners and financiers, but also distributors and buyers for finished programme acquisitions and presales.

If you are exhibiting at MIPTV and are you looking for a custom stand solution to stand out from the crowd, talk to your local stand builder in Cannes, Nice & Monaco, CannesExpo. We have affordable custom solutions starting from €345 per square metre turn-key. Contact us to find out more!

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