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Standiste sifa-lyon

Interprofessional Refrigeration and its Application Trade Show
November 24 - 26 - Centre de Congrès de Lyon

The Sifa is THE event dedicated to all refrigeration players : manufacturers, installers, final users, expertise, OEM…

A trade show / forum union dedicated to concrete issues about refrigeration, air-conditionning and thermodynamic.

Thus, daily issues related to regulations, refrigerants, A2L, energy savings, maintenance or even full cost installation are subjects debated every year by experts.

  • To gather all refrigeration players at once: manufacturers, OEM, distributors, installers, final users, suppliers.
  • To offer a UNIQUE trade show 100% dedicated to refrigeration.
  • To create a new event suited to the market needs: a bigger exhibition space in order to attract more visitors, technical, political and regalatory lectures in order to provide concrete solutions to all function throughout the company

All the players in the field of refrigeration and air conditioning gathered in one place.

If you are exhibiting at SIFA Lyon and are looking for a tailor-made stand solution to stand out, contact your local stand builder in Lyon. We have affordable personalized solutions starting at € 345 per square meter turnkey.Contact us for more information!

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The TIPS conference is the annual meeting of experts in PHARMACEUTICAL SUPPLY CHAIN
17 to 18 November - Centre de Congrès de Lyon

The TIPS conference is the annual meeting of experts in PHARMACEUTICAL SUPPLY CHAIN invited to reflect, discuss and anticipate technological and regulatory developments in the transport of health products, in all its forms.

2 plenary sessions with personalities from Health and Transport, 13 thematic conferences led by nearly 100 speakers, the presence of 50 exhibitors willing to welcome nearly 500 mostly French-speaking participants working in pharmaceutical laboratories, R&D centers, wholesalers-distributors, custodians, hospitals, pharmacy purchasing groups and professional federations.

In 2020 the main theme is transport 3.0 from researcher to patient. The exceptional conditions in transport management of the health crisis will be widely discussed by the various stakeholders in the conferences. The public present should find avenues for reflection to prepare for the POST COVID-19 period and in particular the arrival of new therapies, the delivery of which must be rapid and the most secure.

An online application on participants, face-to-face business meetings, the possibility of privatizing a space for technical demonstrations, a gala evening in an exceptional setting will facilitate networking.

Active members in the Supply Chain of Pharmaceutical Laboratories

If you are exhibiting at TIPS Lyon and looking for a tailor-made stand solution to stand out, contact your local stand builder in Lyon. We have affordable personalized solutions starting at € 345 per square meter turnkey. Contact us for more information!

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Standiste eurexpo lyon

Ces journées ont pour objectif d'échanger autour de plus de 150 communications orales et d'accueillir trois conférences plénières sur invitation des trois comités.
28 octobre au 01 novembre - Eurexpo Lyon

Les dixièmes journées nationales de géotechnique et de géologie de l’ingénieur sont co-organisées par le laboratoire GeoMaS de l’INSA de Lyon, l’ENTPE et le Cerema sous l’égide des Comités Français de Mécanique des Sols et de Géotechnique (CFMS), de Mécanique des Roches (CFMR) et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur et de l’Environnement (CFGI). Ces journées ont pour objectif d'échanger autour de plus de 150 communications orales et d'accueillir trois conférences plénières sur invitation des trois comités.

Les JNGG 2020 accueilleront également une exposition, parrainée par la FNTP, l’USG et Syntec ingénierie, qui permettra aux différents intervenants de la profession (entreprises, bureaux d'études, fournisseurs de matériels et de logiciels...) de promouvoir leurs activités et leurs produits.

Les JNGG 2020 accueilleront également une exposition, qui permettra aux différents intervenants de la profession de promouvoir leurs activités et leurs produits.

Si vous exposez à Les JNGG 2020 Lyon et que vous recherchez une solution de stand sur mesure pour vous démarquer, adressez-vous à votre standiste local à Lyon. Nous avons des solutions personnalisées abordables à partir de 345 € le mètre carré clé en main. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus! Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus!

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Standiste Lyon

Journées Professionnelles de la Construction 2020
October 29 to 30 - Centre de Congrès de Lyon

The CAPEB Professional Construction Days will take place on October 29 and 30, 2020 at the Lyon Convention Center. This major event brings together and mobilizes the profession to project it into the future. The show is open to craftsmen and all building professionals.

Capacity of 1,000 people: Professional Construction Days are held in Lyon.

Sanitary conditions are extended and supervised.

The show is open to craftsmen and all building professionals.

If you are exhibiting at the Professional Construction Days and are looking for a tailor-made stand solution to stand out, contact your local stand builder in Lyon. We have affordable personalized solutions starting at € 345 per square meter turnkey. Contact us for more information!

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